Monday, February 6, 2017


A noun is a naming word used to identify a name, a place or a thing. Nouns can be broadly divided into Concrete and Abstract nouns.
Words which name person,place or thing which has a physical existence are called Concrete nouns. Eg. Daniel, Antarctica, air etc.
Names of things which we can only feel are known as Abstract Nouns. They can refer to quality, actions or feelings. For Eg. anger,happiness etc.
Concrete Nouns can be divided into four,

  1. Proper Noun (They have no plural form, Hint-  may begin with capital letter)
  2. Common Noun ( Name of the same kind )
  3. Material Noun (Name of a material)
  4. Collective Noun (Group name)

  1. He is a teacher. ('Teacher' is a common noun)
  2. Is tomato,a fruit or a vegetable ?( 'Tomato','fruit' and 'vegetable' are common  nouns )
  3. Mary has a good knowledge of English ( 'Mary' and 'English' are proper nouns, but 'knowledge' is an abstract noun.)
  4. James brought a bicycle. (Here 'James' is a proper noun whereas 'bicycle' is a common noun)

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